My cat Is getting mad 🙁


I am not so sure, but I think that my cat is getting crazy as she feels that baby is coming. She is with us almost 7 years and have never behaved in that way. Since few days she keep coming upstairs to my room specially to pee, and she is trying to pee only on baby staff. That’s funny as they are all new, never used by any baby, I don’t know how she knows which ones are for a baby. Once she tried to pee in baby’s car seat, luckily I noticed her being weird and took her out in time. Next day she peed in baby’s bath! It’s plastic so I could clean it well with boiling water and sanitizer. Today again she was making crying noise outside my door to get in to room, when I opened door she runs straight away where is baby’s bath, but was up side down, so she run to the car seat, but it was covered with cling film, so she quickly runs to baby stroller, jumped in in seconds and behave like she is about to pee. I had to get her out again. The thing is she is doing that in the evenings only when I am in bed and she just came from outside all of times so she couldn’t have urge to pee because of not being able to go. Plus when I go to bed she is walking around the house making crying noises. Today after getting her out of my room I went to cuddle her as I feel that she is in stress, but when I took her in my arms she tried to bit me on my face. She never did it before 😢 I am worrying about her and do not know what to think about it, I am anxious that she is gonna pee somewhere and I will not notice and that she will behave wrong when baby will arrive. I am due in 2 weeks, and she is worst every day. Any advise from cat lovers ?