FTM with breech baby @37w


I went in weeks ago for a NST because I hadn’t felt baby move much. Hooked me up and his heartbeat was great and of course he started throwing a dance party in there! Anyway, for good measures the OB on call did a quick scan and we found out our little stinker is breech. I’ve been trying to get him to flip but nothing has worked. The dr said if he hasn’t flipped by 37 weeks we will have to have a version. Friday is our appointment I’m hoping he decides to flip before then but otherwise I hope our OB can flip him. If he isn’t able to do that then they want to do a cesarean... anyone have any uplifting stories about baby flipping late or the version working for them? I really want to experience labor and vaginal delivery (I know that may sound crazy but🤷🏻‍♀️) so this is really the only thing I’m worried about. We have literally everything else ready for him and I have no negative thoughts about anything else... help ease my mind 😅