Is this positive

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

So these are my tests the last three days.

I know you’re not supposed to be able to ovulate when you still have HCG in your system. My bHCG was 55 yesterday. But my tests are supposedly going from high and peak to low. Could I have ovulated? Or wouldn’t they still be positive due to the HCG still being present?

The last one is my HCG at home tests I’ve been taking. Today’s test even with the bHCG being 55 yesterday is so so so faint.

But the last opk in these photos, is it still positive or are the apps right and it’s negative?

For a little background. I had a blighted ovum on 02/20, and a vacuum aspiration at 02/21 (d&e). My bleeding has stopped. I can also provide my chart too if that helps, although I only started bbt 4-5 days ago.

Please ladies I need some insight and help.