Blood pressure issues and baby’s growth

I’ve been having a lot of blood pressure issues since 20 weeks (I had issues before but always controlled) I’m 26 weeks now and I got to see the high risk doctor. Baby has a strong heartbeat and shes super active but she’s smaller than they would like. Overall she’s in the 25th percentile but her abdominal growth is in the 13th. If I didn’t have my blood pressure issues they may not have said anything but they are going to do another growth scan in 2 weeks. I’m in a small town that doesn’t have the resources of something were to come up, the closest hospital being 4 hours way. So they want me to consider moving into the Ronald McDonald House on their campus for the remainder of my pregnancy. He said It wasn’t absolutely necessary right now but we will see how things are in 2 weeks. I just switched Ob’s last week because my previous ob kept ignoring my blood pressure (it was consistently 140/98 and then went to 153/100, I even had it go up to 178/114) so I’m trying to not stress but it’s hard not to think about my blood pressure stunting baby’s growth!

I did get to see her cute little face and I cried and just need her to hold out a few more weeks before she comes into the world! Prayers, advice, support is all appreciated! I’m done working, and my new OB and the high risk doctor have a lot of scans and tests for me lined up and are seeing me 1-2 times a week.