Mother being weird


So my mom has been making comments about not wanting my husband in her house when our baby comes (I’m staying with her while he finishes his Texas job contract, and I’m currently in early labor). I kind of left it alone until she was ready to explain why if she decided to do so (our relationship has never been good with her or any of my family).

So finally today she tells me she’s afraid of him simply bc she says he comes across scary. He’s a large man covered in tattoos former military and now in corrections. I get it he can come across stand off-ish simply due to his career sometimes. But he tries so hard to socialize and be outgoing around my family, the last couple years he’s been less so bc we’ve had some issues again with my family but he has never been mean, aggressive, angry, or disrespectful to them ever. I’m kind of at a loss. From what she said it sounds like it’s a her problem and not a him problem. She just can’t figure him out bc he doesn’t wear his emotions on his sleeve in front of her simply bc he doesn’t want to be manipulated or taken advantage of which she has done in the past. The kicker is we’ve been married seven years and this has NEVER come up. I haven’t explained this to him yet but he was so hurt by her remark about not wanting him around ghat he almost cried he doesn’t ever cry it really hurt him deep. Now I have to explain to him what she said and he’s gunna be even more hurt. He’s a good sweet man I don’t understand and he won’t either. She said she wants to find a way to fix it but it sounds like she just wants him to change who he is for her comfort instead of trying to break through and have a relationship with the Mann that he is.

I don’t know what to do or how to tell him he’s going to be really heart broken my family is kind of his only family outside of our military and law enforcement family. He wants to be able to be close with them and she’s pushing him away.

For reference here’s some pics of us 😊