Anatomy scan Update with Circumvallate placenta😟


This morning was my 19+2 day Anatomy scan at 9am. Everything looks great with baby girl, she's 11 oz. 154 heart rate and she had her back towards us the whole time lol so all she could get was her ears lol on 3D. I also haven't been feeling her kicks which I have found very odd for me especially since I always feel definite movements by week 14 and by wk19 I usually will feel full on kicks and I only just started feeling her well 3 days ago. Sigh..that's because like I knew it! I have a anterior placenta but not only that I gave what is called a

Circumvallate placenta. Were the corner of my placenta is rolled up and partially split. There saying they see this a lot and not to worry that when I go back at 23wks 5 days it should hopefully resolve. I've had a stillborn at 24wks so worrying is something I do. Anyone else ever have this if so what was the outcome? Much appreciated on this. I'm a scared and worried mama. They say she's growing well and everything looks great on her end. And SHE'S STILL A GIRL!😁💕 you can see her butt up in the air lol.