Friend not coming to baby shower bc of corona virus lol


A couple of my friends in NC had flights booked to come to my baby shower in NJ (which was unexpected and I was HUGELY grateful for)... but today in the news they reported that a 32 yr old man in the area I live near is confirmed for the corona virus and is being treated in a hospital. And one of those two friends in NC is now saying she’s scared to come here. I told her nicely that if she feels uncomfortable coming here bc of the virus, it is completely okay to cancel her flight and that I think most airlines are offering travel waivers or vouchers.

But personally, I think the panic surrounding this virus is bigger than the actual virus itself lol. Don’t get me wrong, I’m worried too lookin at Italy, Korea, etc... but, my god... Even if we (in our early 20-30s, healthy with no respiratory or immune issues) were to somehow catch the corona virus, look up the actual probability of us dying from it. Sigh. We’re okay. And here in NJ people are freaking out and buying all the goddamn water bottles and toilet paper bc of the panic. I need water! Not bc of the virus, but simply bc we happened to be running low on water this week. We went to Costco and Walmart and they were completely out! It’s so dumb and unnecessary. But of course I dont wanna make my friend feel bad so I just told her it’s really, really ok if she can’t come anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You do you.