Placenta previa

Hi ladies!!

I’ve had a pretty rough pregnancy so far unfortunately. I’m 23 weeks tomorrow & I found out I have gallstones recently and that’s why I’ve been off and on with extreme pain but at 20 weeks I was informed I also have placenta previa.

I never heard of it before my midwife told me but she didn’t make it sound bad at all! I know 90% of the time it apparently moves so I’m hoping it will! But I have a few questions if anyone’s able to answer. I find my midwifes aren’t very helpful in debating on switching to a doctor. So mine is fully covering and I’m on pelvic rest but she’s told me I’m fine to lift Things ect and I have to wait till 30 weeks to have an ultrasound to see if it’s moved. A new mom I recently became friends with had the same thing with her first pregnancy and said hers was monitored way more often and she was told not to lift , walk basically bed rest. She was super concerned my midwife wouldn’t be telling me the same because she was just as far aslong as I am now when she found out. I asked my midwife about cramping because I’ve had cramping constantly mild to pretty painful and lots of discharge she said cramping wouldn’t be from placenta previa even though when I asked the nurse line they said some women have it and some don’t get cramps. These cramps are like Low so I don’t think they have to do with gallstones ether because that pains higher when it comes on ( right below my breasts) So I’m wondering like does this sound normal what she’s telling me vs what your doctors/midwives have said? Thanks for reading hopefully it wasn’t too much of a ramble lol