Idk what to think

I had ultrasound done two days ago for the anatomy and I noticed the tech took quite a long time on the heart I had a gut feeling something was not right but I shook it off thinking nothing of it that it was just hormones! Well today I got the call that definitely something wasn’t right with baby everything besides his heart looked good he had an extra artery they are sending me 3 hrs away to get a better test done to see what needs to be done ! I don’t feel anything idk like no sadness no worrying no nothing all I can think is “””is he hurting? What’s going to happen? Will he need surgery after birth? What if they say it’s fine to live that way later in his life he all sudden dies or gets a stroke or the artery rips or something do I need to do less working to not make anything worse or my movements and daily life doesn’t affect him???? “”” I’m not speaking I to existence or jumping into conclusion or what not and I know you guys can’t answer obviously I would wait for the appointment first and then start worrying if I have to then but I need to ease my mind a little !!! I haven’t felt him move either I’m half way through my pregnancy and the UTT said he was facing down so towards my back or something so I can’t feel him but he was moving around during the UT but now that I know his heart isn’t good I’m wondering if that’s affecting him 😭😭 idk it’s a lot