HCG 17

So I was suppose to have my period March 4th I decided to take a test the next day and I got a my positive !!! Was super excited and decided to take another because I was in denial still positive the next day I decided to take another one. Once again I got another positive but this time it was faint. I took another two and still faint. Later on that night I was bleeding super heavy clots and all I decided to go to the ER. They told me the egg could of been fertilized and just didn’t implant or it’s an early miscarriage. My HCG was 17. I went home super upset this would of been my third and final pregnancy. The doctor told me I’d keep bleeding just wear pads and wait until Monday to check my hcg which should lower to zero. I wore a pad all night and woke up and there was a huge clot ! And I changed my pad wore it for 2 hours and checked and it was super super light pink. Mix of some brown as well with small tiny clots. My kids father asked to just take another test I didn’t want to because i know this is a miscarriage but he got one anyways. And boom again positive. But faint but you can clearly see it. I’m getting my hopes up way to much thinking this baby can stick or maybe it’s not going to and I already passed it. It’s heartbreaking. Has anyone been thru this picture of the last test I took is below