How do I price out cookies? 🍪

Madison • Wife.❤ Mommy to our 🌈 baby 10~24~18💙 &🌈 baby #2- 11~21~20💙 newly pregnant with baby #3, due 6/21/22 🥰

I know these aren’t the best cookies, this was only the second time I had made them like this... I am in no way a professional. But I made these for my family for Valentine’s Day and when I posted them on Facebook, I had a lot of people asking if I would take orders! I’m a stay at home mom, so it would be nice to have a little extra cash. 🤷🏼‍♀️How would I price out these cookies? How much have you/ would you pay for a dozen of themed cookies like this? These aren’t perfect, they were more for practice then anything, but obviously if they were for an order, I would take more time and buy some more of the proper supplies to do it right. TIA 🙏🏻❤️