Third and alone

So I’m going through a bad divorce. I have two kids with my almost ex husband. They are 3 and 1 1/2. My son has autism. My ex was talking to someone at his job and I found out and planned to file for divorce. Anyways I met someone and I got pregnant and here I am 14 weeks pregnant. We broke up last night bc he has an addiction to pills and i can’t take it anymore. The fighting is bad when he’s high. His addiction to opiates just started about 3 months ago. And It’s exhausting. Anyways I’m on my 3rd child. I have lupus. This guy gave me herpes. I feel alone and trying to be strong. I love him but it’s exhausting. I need advice or something to keep me strong. I have no idea how I’m going to do this. My ex husband or almost ex husband doesn’t even know I’m pregnant. I’m scared and just don’t know anything anymore.