Please help!


Okay. So my boyfriend came to me about a week ago and asked me if I could make a peanut butter cheesecake. I told him I could try since I have never baked a cheesecake. I can do cakes, cupcakes, no problems. Cheesecake is a first! So the first time I fucked up. I added more peanut butter then cream cheese and it fucked with the consistency and didn’t bake properly. Second time I went by the recipe. 5- 8oz of cream cheese 3/4 cup of peanut butter 3 egg whites with 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp of vanilla. Mixed it all up. Buttered the spring form pan. Set the oven to 350°. Baked it for about 25ish minutes. The sides were over done cracked and dry the middle looked fine but when I took it out of the springform pan it was nothing but raw!! Did I take it out of the pan to early?? Is that what I’m doing wrong? Do I need to let it sit in the spring form pan in the fridge for an hour or so? Please help! I want to make a cheesecake for him but I’m getting discouraged. I love to bake but it’s just not coming out right.