For all the pot moms 😗💨


Hey to all the pot moms

I am 16weeks pregnant and I am a major pot head. When I had found out I was pregnant (wich wasn’t till 3months) I had stopped smoking cause a friend of mine who recently had a kid said the call dyfs if found in system(even tho there is no profs that weed actually harms the child cause it’s used as a medical use no for most and how can something natural used for medicine harm.. my opinion) anyways I stoped cause who wants to deal with dyfs and now that my system is clean I’m planning on seeing a doctor next week. I was taking prenatal vitamins so the baby can get all the vitamins it needs.

But My question was when I give birth I plan on smoking again but I also want to breastfeed because it’s natural and comes with so many benefits. Has any mother smoked pot while breastfeeding ur child (obviously I won’t have a blut in my hand while breastfeed).. did you have any negative side effects was it harming the child? Or it didn’t have any effect at all?