Sore boobs am I pregnant

I take junel fe 1.5/30. I was on a lower dose but we had to go up in dosage. Ever since I went up in dosage my boobs get a little sore. They did it on my first pack and now my second. Anyways. I’ve only had sex twice this month. The first time was 19 days ago and we used a condom. My boyfriend pulled out before finishing with the condom on. I checked it and nothing leaked out. Then we had sexual yesterday with the same circumstances. I take my pill perfectly every day but I still get worried it’s not working. My period is due to start next week. I start my placebo pills Sunday. I started noticing yesterday my boobs were getting a little sore and they are still a little today but not crazy sore. Could I be pregnant? I actually took a test two days ago which would have been 17 days since I last had had sex and it was negative. Are these just pms symptoms?