Changing a step child’s last name, out of line?

Tori • Evan & Omari’s mommy 2008👦🏾2020👶🏾💙

My man has literally raised my son since he was 6, he’s almost 12 now. Before that I was a single mom raising him alone. Biological isn’t there by choice.

We’re looking to get married soon. We’re also scheduled to give birth to our son in two weeks.

After marriage, me, my man and newest addition will all have the same last name. My oldest asked me why he can’t be a Smith as well. Said he feels left out. He really loves his dad (step dad) and looks up to him.

I am thinking about adding the last name Smith to his when I change mine. (Not removing biological dad’s name.)

Is this out of line for me to even be thinking about?

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