Pica post partum

I’m 5 months post partum and still taking supplements for low iron.

Towards the end of my pregnancy I suddenly developed a strong craving for crumbly mints and a specific cleaning product smell from a kitchen cleaner I use.

Well since I’ve had my baby it’s gotten no better 😰 I’m actually ashamed to admit I think I’ve probably gone through at least 50 bags of crumbly mints and tonight I’ve finished the 7th bottle of the cleaning product cleaning the kitchen. What concerned me the most though was tonight I had a strong urge to taste the cleaning spray because the smell wasn’t doing it for me.

I definitely wouldn’t entertain it but it freaked me out that the thought even crossed my mind.

I’m 2 out of 3 months into these supplements and my dr won’t retest my blood until I’ve finished the course. I don’t know whether to go back and beg them to do it early incase I need a higher dose or is this psychological? 😰