You both need to grow tf up! *RANT*

My brother and his girlfriend are both morons. My brother let's his girlfriend walk so over him and she controls every dime he makes. He just has no back bone. It's pathetic to watch. So their car broke down September of last year. My mom has been driving them here and there and lending them her car. They were supposed to fix their car when they got their taxes back. Well that didn't happen. Instead he let his girlfriend go out and buy expensive bags she doesn't need. Expensive jewelry and over all just blow the money. My mother told him about his girlfriends spending, they have 3 kids, live in a shitty apartment and have no car. Yet she's buying Louis Vuitton bags. It's ridiculous. My brother pretty much said it's none of my mom's business, yet he said that while my mom was driving his grown ass to work. There has been times he's even called me late at night for rides and I'm busy putting my kids to sleep. Well I just bought myself a car. I was talking to my mom and told her not to expect me to become his new taxi since she got a new job, because I wasn't going to make it my obligation. I told her they had the money to fix their car but decided to blow it stupidly instead and that's not my problem. My mother likes to make us feel guilty about not bending over backwards for out brother. She babies him way too much. She made a face after I told her this, as if I was being mean. They never offer gas money and gas ain't cheap. I'm tired that they're always so babies by my mom and because my mom chooses to baby them doesn't mean I have too. Grown ass adults are not my responsibility.