Future career...


So I'm a freshman in high school. I know I still have some time but I'm still stressed about what I want to do in the future. I'm what American schools consider "gifted" which means I have an IQ higher than 125. I'm quite a bit higher than that mark so I kind of feel pressured to be in the STEM field or else other people would think I'm wasting my intelligence. And to be honest I kind of feel like that too. If I have the capabilities to do something groundbreaking in STEM, I feel like I should but at the same time I don't have any passion for it. And I'm kind of mad at myself for not having any passion for it but I just can't force myself to enjoy it. Honestly I think I might want to be a high school math teacher but two things are making me question that. Firstly, the pay. I don't know how financially secure I'd be if I were a teacher since I doubt I would ever have a partner. The other thing is that I feel like I'd be wasting my intelligence in a way. Like I have the ability to do so much more and potentially solve a lot of common global problems but I'm not. I don't know it just seems like I'd be wasting my intelligence even though I don't really have any interest in anything else. Can someone just help me our here please?