Almost 9 Weeks! 🥰🤰🏾😍


We had our second ultrasound appointment!! We got to see little one dance and hear her heart beat!! Mommy and Daddy has decide on the girl name if it’s a girl!! We are both feeling as if that’s what we are having. We both couldn’t be more excited!!


Mommy has been eating so much... it makes me so happy!! Because I know that the little one is eating and that makes me happy.

Mommy has also been sleeping... she sleeps after work... wakes up eat, does homework and goes back to sleep 😴!!

I know the baby is drawing all of her energy so I try and keep the other kids quite and occupied away.

All weekend I have completely remodeled and reorganized our room and closet. It was something nice for ourselves to come home to and escape, once the door is closed.

I even went all out and decorated with her favorite color which is blush pink... it all came out great!! Looks like a completely new room.

With the organization I was able to make room for us to walk around when we have to put the baby to sleep and for a bassinet!!

We can’t wait to meet this chunky baby... we had a great strong heart beat...!! We continue to count our blessings and stay healthy and safe... we only have 219 more days to meet our beautiful blessing!!

I wish we could post videos so I could show you guys the dance!!