Birth story! Induction 03/17/2020


While it’s fresh in my head, here’s my birth story for Ellie! I’ll keep it short! Was 39+2 today.

Labor started at 10am, they got it going by inserting a foley balloon

and putting me on Pitocin. I asked for IV pain meds at 2pm. The nurse gave me the medicine and mentioned it could make me dizzy and that I needed to stay in bed for an hour afterward. Once it hit my system, I took a turn for the worst. I was then going in and out of consciousness and my heart rate was dropping, Ellie’s heart rate was dropping too. I was put on oxygen and they struggled to keep me breathing well until about 4:45pm. That’s when they administered the epidural in hopes it would relax everything and my heart rate and Ellie’s would go back to normal. At that time I was only 4cm.

5pm came and all was well in the world again, my water broke on its own so my doctor was summoned, I was checked again and was 10cm. I began pushing at 5:13pm and Ellie was born at 5:15pm! She’s a champ with breastfeeding already, we have no issues with latch or anything so that’s fantastic! We have also had no more scares since delivery. So thankful!