Happy St. Patrick's Day🍀☘️🍀☘️
Hello world. Meet Lawlis Reign Cullen Donald Terry. Yeppers he has a few names and a awesome birthday.🍀☘️
He was born @ 7.12 on March 17th weighing in at 6.2lb and 19inch long! This first time momma pushes for 1.30hrs.
Our fantastic nurse told us we had 15m to get him out before she left. And the new nurse walked in and I said well here's a big one. They coached me through and out his head came, they told me stop pushing so they could get the doctor. I said what I can't let him slide back in. They rushed into action and as the doctor walked in out he came ( there were 15 babies born in this hospital today! We were the last ones so far) just like that we because parents if this beautiful boy!
They placed him on my chest and 5m latered he showered me with pee 😂😂. Breaking me right into motherhood!
He laid on my chest looking around for an hour. Then got all the medical stuff out the way. The nurse brought him back over so i could try and nurse and he went right for the gold without any trouble!
We feel so blessed to be his parents and so much love💖 He was 5 years and 9m in the making.
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.