TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! Emergency C-section

Sky • Preemie baby 🍀 2lbs 4oz

My oh my. What a wild 24 hours it has been.

2:00am Tuesday morning, I was awake in bed with a tight, gripping pain in my chest in addition to a sharp pain in my shoulder and some mild nausea.

I am not one to call the doctor with any mild discomfort & the fact that I called my L&D advice nurse two days prior with similar chest pins to be chalked up to heartburn, I assumed these aches would go away on their own. After tossing and turning in bed for about 4 hours til I decided to call L&D and they agreed to let me come in and get checked out - the nurse was convinced it was acid reflux.

6:00am Tuesday, I arrived to L&D. Blood pressure & sample viles immediately set off red flags. Within 30 minutes I was told I had pre-eclampsia & needed to be monitored to see how advanced it was. I HAD NO SIGNS OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR ABNORMAL BLOOD COUNTS UP TO THIS POINT. But the doctors new immediately what they were dealing with.

~ 10:00am Tuesday, I was confirmed to have severe pre-eclampsia & coached by multiple different doctors why baby needed to come out TODAY! She was low oxygenated & blood flow was poor from the umbilical cord. They felt strongly they could do more for her outside the womb than she was able to do for herself and baby girl was FIGHTING to let us know she was ready to come out. So we listened...

12:18pm Tuesday - Baby Girl was born via c section at 30 weeks 6 days. I had an amazing team of doctors and nurses and the surgery went very quickly. We heard her sweet cries and a wave of tears and relief overcame us. Daddy stayed with her for as long as he could before they had to kick him out.

~4:00pm Tuesday - after momma was stitched up and baby cleaned up, I got to see her for the first time.

🍀 Our St. Patrick’s day baby, Ellie, is 2lbs 4oz, bright pink, with a full head of hair! She has a breathing tube to help mature her lungs and did very well overnight in her incubator.

LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS - God knows. Your baby knows