Cabin fever

With the Coronavirus going around my kids and I have been quarantined to the house. I work in software writing in rules for operation so I can work from home. My oldest is no longer in school (😒) and I have a 3 month old. My husband is essential personnel at this time so he’s at work every day. Today is day 7 of being at home living on top of my family and I am about to snap... the only time I have left my house was to take out the trash or to the end of the drive way to get the mail. I have no adult interaction until my husband gets home then he wants to do nothing but play around on his phone or outside doing stuff. Tonight after work he went to the store for fishing stuff (because ya know we’ll be spending so much time doing that right now 🙄). I am a VERY social person. I went from working in a very close knit department of 20 people to hearing my preschooler have 13 melt downs before lunch and every time she starts crying so does my three month old. I’m irritated over the fact that I can never leave my house and my husband can. Not only to go to work but then his pit stops after work. I was looking forward to my hair appointment this weekend but that’s been canceled. There is no end insight I just want to be able to take a step with out needing to clean something stick or hear hearing “MOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYY” I love my family so much but I cannot take much more of this quarantine. I need to go to work...