8 months pregnant body comments

Carissa • Mommy to a 3yr old girl and pregnant with baby #2🤰🏻

So IM 35 weeks and 3 days

And the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed weight gain in my arms and legs. I’m not freaking out about it. I’m 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. I’ve gained a total of 18 pounds so far. All my test are normal for me and baby. So I’m happy.

This is so different from 4 years ago when I was pregnant with My daughter and gained 57 pounds.

Yet My boyfriend who isn’t my daughters dad. But he’s this baby’s dad has been saying stuff like “ you’re going to be huge after” “ I’m telling you now after you have the baby it’s time to hit the gym” he’ll say things like “babe these arms or these legs” then grab them. Like ok I get it I fucking know I’m gaining weight. IM PREGNANT. It’s going to happen.

I don’t want to hear it every day yet when I tell him how I feel I’m “a baby” cause he “ loves my pregnant body” and says he isn’t serious.

Like if you love it stop making these comments cause it’s starting to mess with me.