Covid-19 family drama🙄🙄🙄

Please tell me I’m not crazy or over reacting about this. My uncle had mentioned coming out for a visit and the end of the month. They are in California we are in Kansas. The next day my grandma mentioned something about my uncle and them coming out again but they didn’t ever say why or what was going on so I texted my aunt. Here is our conversation. I’m blue she is grey...

I put it in the nicest way I could possible think. My dad has many medical issues and my youngest is 6 months. We live on a farm and we literally do not go any where unless we absolutely HAVE to... and that is just normal as it is lol.

The conversation went on to this. Now my grandma and my other aunt were also supposed to be here at the end of the month as aunt2 just bought a house and needed to sign paper and was bringing stuff. ( she and my grandma have medical issues as well) They decides to post pone the trip til the end of April or longer. And I knew my grandma wasn’t happy as she misses us. BUT aunt1 was thinking I told my grandma not to come (she I guess didn’t know my grandma postpones the trip)

Any way she “understands completely” as she stated.... right?... wrong!! I had called my grandma to find out how her doctor appointment call went and then she bring this up (she was on speaker) talked to me and my mom. She didn’t understand why we were being mean to my aunt and why we said she had the virus 🙄 which we never said that! She said they were coming to get there stuff from storage at the farm (it’s been sitting 2 years) since her sons were out of school...

She went off on my mom and then hung up as my mom was mid sentence. My aunt never text me back and still hasn’t.

She obviously didn’t understand where we are coming from.

And we can’t seem to figure out with everything going on and both of our families having medical issues why they would travel 5 states to pick up junk (literally) that has been sitting for 2 years already?! Why not wait til summer when everything is hopefully blown over and still her boys obviously won’t be in school cuz it’s summer!!

My mom was and is pissed at my grandma for acting like a child for hanging up on her and for not understanding where we are coming from

Was this not blown out of the water?

Should I have not even said anything?

Another thing... apparently my aunt thinks it is okay to just come as she pleases since she is family as she never called my mom to make plans to see if we have room for them (we just moved in with my parents over a month ago to help them out so there is 7 of us and then my little bro is getting out of jail next week and staying with us) and they are a family of 4!

If none of this crazy was happening and if my aunt actually called to make plans then sure no problem u know?