Frustrated with Blood Work!!!


I need reassurance. My first pregnancy I conceived right after endo surgery so I was high risk. They did bloodwork and then again 48 hours later...and my numbers doubled...they scheduled the ultrasound at 5 weeks. They had me to back at 7 weeks for a heartbeat scan. The whole time I was stressed that something was wrong. Then, the whole pregnancy went exactly as planned and was fine. I am now pregnant again. As soon as I said I have endo, they asked for blood work. I went, went again, numbers doubled. I was told not high enough for the ultrasound to be scheduled yet. I go a third time. They doubled. Still not high enough. 🙄 I go the fourth time. They doubled...still not as high as what they need for the ultrasound. They are doubling, though. Every. Single. Time. I asked them if I should be worried and they keep telling me no. I was entirely stress free about this pregnancy until all of this crap started. On top of that, I don’t want to be anywhere near a medical facility right now if I don’t have to be. This will be my FIFTH blood draw. Are they just trying to get money out of me?! Should I be scared my numbers aren’t super high from one to the other? What is happening here? Why wouldn’t they just wait a week or two and do the dang ultrasound? It’s obvious I’m early but it’s also obvious I’m pregnant and my numbers keep doubling. It costs me $90 out of pocket every blood draw on top of all that. $450 later... just so they can order an ultrasound 🤷‍♀️🙄