I fear I’ve lost the battle


After gaining a terrifying 70 lbs with my first, I swore during my second I would be the fittest, hottest pregnant woman to walk the face of the earth. Dreaming about being like the women I see on Instagram and other fitness places who seem to have only gained a belly. My original goal was to get bikini model fit before I got pregnant again. But, my procrastination had other plans. So, I started off doing amazing... until Christmas with all the sweets. I swear I left for my family’s house feeling smaller then I was before I got pregnant and came back three days later looking like a balloon. No sweat... I would start working out as soon as my second trimester got here. I went twice and didn’t go again but I’ve been watching what I eat pretty well. I had a couple few day long sugar binges and a few chilli cheese dogs but for the most part I am making healthy choices. I started getting into a gym habit and went for a week but then the stupid corona virus hit and I had to stop. I’m 19 weeks and I’ve gained somewhere between 10 and 15 lbs. I still felt ok about it because I don’t feel like I look that much bigger. But, today I realized I lost the battle. The warmer spring temperatures inspired me to put a pair of comfy shorts on. It appears all 15 lbs have gone directly o my thighs and there is apparently nothing I can do about it. I know the baby being healthy is the only important thing but I feel disgusting when I look on the mirror and I’ve tried so freaking hard to not let this happen 😭😭😭😭