In a toxic situation

I have two children and am pregnant with my 3rd my family lives with my grandma and have been trying to move out for years, but she always asks for money when we have it saved because she almost loses the house. Yesterday she yelled to my oldest through the window while she was outside that she wanted him to open the door, I was in the kitchen and heard the door being open I went out and reminded him that we don’t open the door for anyone and if they were meant to be inside they would have keys. She called him down the hall and kissed and hugged him.. the covid 19 virus is going around and there are confirmed cases near where we live. My husband and I have asked her multiple times not to kiss or hug them because we don’t want anyone getting sick. She got incredibly rude and asked when we were moving out and said terrible things about me in front of my children. When I asked what her problem was and said we were just trying to keep everyone healthy and safe she said “do you want to get hit in the face”. No where will rent to us because we have too many people. I am so lost right now I couldn’t even sleep last night because I was afraid she’s try to do something. We pay her rent every month buy all of the food and extra things for the house. We wouldn’t have moved in if someone didn’t try to break into our apartment.