Enjoying my last day before baby.😊


My in laws took my older 2 girls so I can rest before my induction tomorrow. At my appointment yesterday my OB said I was 3cm dilated and 60% effaced and she did a sweep. All day today I've been having contractions, back pain, and have been losing lots of my mucus plug (I have even had bloody show). I've been able to take a nap, a bath, go shopping, and even play Yahtzee with my mom over the Jitsi app (social distancing at its finest).😉 All in all a good day. I feel like labour will start in the next 24hrs whether I am induced or not. I'm feeling happy and content. #39weeks

Btw for any moms who are worried about feeling isolated, Jitsi is a free app/website that you can do video calls on. You can do multiple screens. I'm from a large family of 9 people and we miss seeing each other so regularly. We play games together through the app like Scattegories, Yahtzee, Imagine If, etc together with it and we are spread out in 3 different states. It's a great way to combat the isolation. 😊