Mother in law vs me


Me & her used to be hella cool I’m married to her son we been together 8 years we have a daughter who’s about to be 4 like i said me and her used to be cool she’s always judged me lowkey but I’ve always kept shut due to respect but recently she’s got way out of hand and talks so much shit about me everything i do. I can’t do anything without her hating she makes up stories lies etc her daughter is just the same & of course believes her mom. My husband is just as confused as to why she changed so suddenly she’s 52 maybe the age idk her mother dies last year I feel as shes mad but letting her anger off on me idk. Well she no longer wants me at events she host or her daughter witch i have been respectful and not going but now my daughter’s birthday is coming up & I wanna invite them because I want my daughter to have her whole family idc if they hate me but turns out she’s going around saying she’s not coming nore the sister they are saying they will be throwing my daughter a small party were I won’t be so they don’t look at me. This just pissed me off because I’m not just his gf I’m his wife and ur granddaughters mom why is she trying to kik me out of things I’m supposed to be doing with my family. I was okay with things like Christmas I told hubby don’t argue just go I’ll wait at home while u go because they had gifts etc but it keeps going & I’m starting to get mad and I’m thinking I should tell husband to talk to his mom & sister about the situation because me not being able to even attend or they not wanting to attend my daughters birthday what’s my daughter going to think why are my grandmother & aunt not here & when they throw her a party why is my mom not here like me & my husband aren’t divorced so they need quit acting like it. I’m i wrong for wanting to have my husband talk to them and even telling them no they may not throw her anything because I’m already doing that. Iknow some will say why do i want them around if they hate me they just need to grow up and stop being stupid