I’m jealous of my boyfriend..

Okay so my boyfriend & I have a baby together & we live with his parents.. I’m jealous because he can hang out with his friends & have fun while I have to always be with our son. I literally have one friend & she lives like an hour away. I have no friends where we live because I know absolutely no one besides his family & his couple of friends. Before we had our baby, before we were pregnant we would do so much we would always be out but I mean we were doing bad stuff but still I miss at least going out.. I’ve been out with my friend literally one time since I’ve had my baby (9 weeks ago) & I had to bring our baby with me😞 he doesn’t go out all of the time cause he dropped pretty much all of his friends to get his shit together. Don’t get me wrong I love my son so much he’s my everything & I don’t regret having him, I just wish I could go out or even have someone come over but I never went to school here only had jobs for short periods of time here & never met anyone I’d hang out with.. I’m just so lonely.. I love my boyfriend & I’m not mad that he goes & see’s his friend but I just wish he wouldn’t be out for hours & leave me by myself with the baby or his parents. I’m just here.. in the room... doing nothing... it’s depressing😞 sorry I just need to vent..