Nervous about possible Induction


So my first born came at 40 & 3. All natural, water broke @7am, made it to hospital about 9:20ish and start pushing by 9:56am.. she was here 8 minutes later at 10:04am. No meds, no nothing it was perfect exactly how I had wanted and imagined.

This baby EDD 3/24/20, I’m nervous about Bc I’m thinking is God going to allow me that same luck twice? I’m super nervous as with my first an induction wasn’t even spoken about they told me we won’t even speak induction until 41 week appt if you make it. This time at my 39 week appt they scheduled my induction date for April 1st sooooo do they think I won’t go naturally? Or is this another one of those covid-19 we need to control when people have babies so we know we can actually support everyone 🥴