He’s Undeniably The Best..


Every since we found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks and 2 days- life’s been crazy since week 5! Nausea hit me like a brick at 6 weeks. It now lasts all day, every day.. bloated, cranky and can’t hold any food down..

My honey though has been so supportive through the fact that I’m not aloud to have sex on doctors orders. The fact that I go to bed at 7pm every day cause baby has me tired.. the fact that he even rubs my bloated belly at night puts me at ease because he wanted this baby as much as I did.

Told me I needed to tell my boss I was quarantining myself because the virus has spread to the 7 cities we live in. Cases after cases and he doesn’t want baby or I sick. He’s honestly the greatest person I’ve met and I cannot believe God has gifted us an engagement and a baby.

Love is beautiful. It’s all so beautiful with him and I am blessed. I just had to share..

Side note: please take this virus seriously and I pray for healthy pregnancies for you all!