Contractions ?


So on Monday (almost a week ago now) I went in for my usual NST and the babies heart rate kept dropping so they wanted to keep me for a few hours. Well while being monitored I guess I started having some contractions so they kept me over night. Baby’s heart rate ended up being fine she was most likely just playing with the cord. I kept having some contractions but couldn’t feel them. So they gave me some fluids and the contractions died off. Towards the end I did start feeling them though and 2 of them were a little painful. Ever since I got home from the hospital Tuesday I keep feeling like I’m having contractions throughout the day. A lot of them. They hurt and even wake me up from sleep. Sometimes they hurt so bad that I can’t talk through them and I just have to breathe. I’ve been drinking more than enough water but they won’t go away. I drink 160 ounces or more in 24 hours. That’s more than a gallon a day! I’m just extremely thirsty (no diabetes) I’m being induced in 8 days but why am I having all these contractions now? And obviously they aren’t doing anything or I’d have had her already. I’ve been having constant contractions for a week straight!