Marijuana and getting pregnant

Emily 🤱🏻

So currently I smoke marijuana regularly. I recently started because my anxiety and depression was getting the best of me and my husband recommended I start since he has since he was a teen and it has helped him. I can say for sure it has helped me way more than the pills I used to be on in high school for it. But now I’m kind of scared and paranoid that I’m gonna get pregnant and not know and still be smoking. And then when I do find out and have to go to the doctor they will drug test me on the first appointment and see marijuana in my urine. If that does happen should I be upfront with the doctor and tell them that I will completely stop smoking it was just before I knew I was pregnant? I just don’t want to risk getting my baby taken away from me. Again, I’m not pregnant yet but there’s always a possibility I can get pregnant and not know. Has anyone gone through this.

P.s. marijuana is not legal where I live.