stuck in my stupid home

i knew there was gonna be a point in this mess when i wouldn’t be able to see my boyfriend anymore but god it hurts so much. my family doesn’t care but his wont let either of us go to each other’s place even though its no issue for his sister. im so sad and i was really looking forward to seeing him again for one more time at least but i guess that already happened.

i hate being at home so much, it’s constant chaos and im going insane.

for reference of how hellacious it gets: i bought myself animal crossing for the switch so i can have some positivity around me. the game only lets you have one island unless you have another sd card. my 30 YEAR OLD sister won’t stop throwing a fit because i told her she can’t play on my island and steal my achievements. ITS A GAME! I PAYED FOR IT!

anyway i just wanted to rant a little bit hope y’all are killin it

update: for the love of god, of course i understand why i cant see him. im upset because it came out of nowhere and i didnt get a proper goodbye. i feel bad for everyone else who’s already had that happen. get off your high horse im allowed to be fucking sad