Pregnant during COVID-19 Pandemic


So I'm currently 9weeks pregnant is San Antonio Tx. I've gone to my 1st prenatal appointment where they have you do paperwork and my husband attended with me. By the time my my 2nd appointment came around last week for blood work they would only let patients in the entire building so my husband had to wait in the car. At first my OB said because of the virus I was going to have my appointments more spread out than I usually would, canceling out "non-essential" appointments only keeping bloodwork and sonos on the schedule. So my next appointment was made for April 20th. Which was going to be my first actual baby scan with sonogram and heart beat detection. I recieved and email yesterday that ALL appointments have been canceled "indefinitely" unless you are a "high risk" pregnancy patient. I have had 3 previous traumatic pregnancies 2 of which ended with infant loss, the most recent in 2017 giving me my rainbow baby. So of course with this new pregnancy I'm nervous and distressed enough as it is. Now not even being able to see a doctor through it all is just throwing my nerves through the roof. I dont know if starting the process all over with another doctor is the right answer or if all offices are doing this right now. With my first 2 pregnancies we lost our babies right after their first scans, while pregnant with my rainbow baby my husband was always away for drill or AT being in the national guard whenever I had appointments so he missed all of our sons appointments. We were really looking forward to sharing this experience together and I understand that there are bigger things in the world than my own need to bond over our baby on a screen together, especially at the end of all this if we have a beautiful healthy baby in our arms. And I understand the need to cut foot traffic in and out of these offices to avoid the spread of the disease but to cut out all appointments altogether? What if my baby needs help and I dont even know it? What if by the time I do see the doctor-when ever that may be- it's too late to help her if they could have? Guess I'm just looking for some reassurance or just someplace to vent my fears. Anyone else having issues seeing their OB regularly?