Sick during quarantine?

So, I'm sick. Idk with what, but I've got a bad cough with mucus and body aches. Am I at a higher risk of catching COVID-19 now? My boyfriend thinks I should call into work tomorrow but I work as a nanny and the little ones are all already sick anyway, so I'm thinking I should just go.(They've been sick about a week now, and my symptoms only just started 3 days ago) It's not like I'm going anywhere public where I could catch COVID-19.

My boyfriend thinks if I get COVID I might die because I'm already fighting off an infection and that would make it worse. That concerns me a little, but again, I wouldn't be going anywhere public. (Both parents still have to go to work, so I would be inconveniencing them if I didn't go, which is my main concern. I don't want them to lose their jobs or make their elderly grandmother watch the kids because I called in) What do you guys think...?

Edit: No fever. I know I do not have COVID-19. I have something else. I'm not nearly sick enough to warrant seeing my doctor over. However, I have taken your advice and I'm staying home.