Green Growth Brands / Seventh Sense (CBD)


i’m not sure if any of you have heard of this CBD place but even if you haven’t, oh well. i want everyone to know what they did to at least one employee.

i started working for Seventh Sense in June 2019. i found the posting on indeed while i was in kentucky, & within a week i had an interview & within 24 hours i had the job. i LOVED my job. $13 an hour to sell CBD products that actually worked. face care, body care, pain relief & eventually edibles.

by december 2019 i decided to do my spring semester online & stay home to have full availability for work. my lead guide (manager) constantly promised more hours & possibly a promotion, because she was promised a promotion. i still paid $2700 for my apartment & in january 2020 i was HOMELESS. because school was an hour away & i couldn’t afford to drive to work. so i stayed in a hotel. yes STAYED IN A HOTEL for $400 a week just to work a job that i only made $400 a paycheck. but i kept hope i’d get more hours & it’d be worth it. thankfully my fiancé was there to help.

the end of february they didn’t pay us. that should’ve been a red flag but they SWORE everything was fine on their end & we got paid to monday instead of friday.

march 14 on i was scheduled for 38 hours a week instead of 15! i was so happy.

well march 16 they shut down for 2 weeks because of covid -19. i couldn’t complain. i filed for unemployment but said i’d be eventually going back.

so here’s where my whole world fell apart 😭

march 19 the CEO posts on our work app that the entire company is closing & our termination is immediate. COMPLETELY BLINDSIDED. i called my manager & she was crying (i was too), she apologized for promising me everything.

march 20 was supposed to be our next to last paycheck. nothing. $370+ just gone. hours i worked just not accounted for. and the hours on the next check. so here i am out a $700 check because i’m off work & now i’m not getting paid for WHAT I WORKED.

when i say my world fell apart 😞 i feel so stupid.

i jeopardized my education (i postponed necessary in person classes because i needed the money more). i put sooo many miles on my car driving to other locations 45 mins - an hour and 45 away. going in any time i was called. never taking off. all for a position that doesn’t exist now.

i forgave the company when they didn’t pay us. i kept hope when they were dragging their feet promoting my manager. oh and in a sick twist — my manager DID get the promotion. hence why i got 38 hours a week for the next 2 weeks.

but what REALLY sucks. is i sold the company to customers. when they were concerned that we were closing, i promised them we wouldn’t, that it was a bump & we would be getting more product in throughout march. there’s so many older customers who RELY on our products & now what?! the company hasn’t even sent out an email or ANYTHING.

this whole thing devastated me 😭 i feel so stupid. i feel like a liar. & now i’m absolutely hopeless. i have no job to go back to after this mess clears up. im planning to apply at EVERYWHERE hiring ASAP. my heart just hurts because i never should’ve sacrificed so much for this company that ended up fucking me over. & i have noooo money to pursue legal action so i’m waiting for a class action lawsuit. 😕

if you read this all. thank you. i needed to get this out 💔