Pregnant and Scared

I’m 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant. It’s my first pregnancy and I’m alone. The dad broke up with me and said he didn’t want to be involved and told me I would figure it out. Last week, he said he would take me to court to see the baby when I have it. His mom keeps posting Facebook statuses to make me look bad. She has always talked shit about his other child’s mother and now gets on Facebook and acts like she loves her so much. 🙄 I’m scared that they’re going to get custody.

I have always wanted to be a mom but I wanted a family. This is ruining it for me. I have been thinking about abortion but I don’t know if I could live with myself. I’m afraid I won’t love my baby because I will resent it. I can’t get excited. I don’t even feel pregnant yet. I also lost my job that I was supposed to start last week because of coronavirus. I’m sad, alone, and worried. I could use some help. I’m so scared I won’t have a bond with this baby because all I will think is the father. 😭 I’ve been crying all day.