Finally had my babygirl yesterday!

Taylor • Baby boy feb8th2017👦🏼, babygirl march21st2020🧑🏼baby march2022👶🏼

Went in on Friday for an induction at 1pm, started getting contractions at 1230pm before I went in, didn't know what it was at first. I was fully closed on Tuesday when they checked me. Went Friday for my induction, they put the Foley catheter in without checking my cervix, pumped it up, she lightly pulled to see if it would stay and it slipped out, guess I started dilating. I was taking evening primrose like crazy, raspberry leaf tea and doing squats to help my cervix. Contractions got worse as of 11pm called my midwife she told me to hold off it was early, I called again at 4am cause they were getting worse and went into the hospital they kept me cause they were suppose to break my water at 9am, 8am came around and I was in active labour, so they didn't bother my water yet, got the epidural at 9am because I'd have a really strong contraction and then 2 secs later have another one and then be fine for 5 mins and then do it again so it was very painful so I got the epidural at 9am. 530pm we broke my water, 630pm came around and it was time to push, 8pm she was born weighing 7lbs9oz, 20.5imches long and so beautiful, she flew. Literally. My water was mainly behind her and after her head the water pushed her out lol shes perfect and I am so glad I got to experience a VBAC! Only needed 2 stitches, 2nd degree tear. Welcome miss Taleah! We went home 3hrs later. Wouldn't change it for the world. 💜💜💜💜😘😘😘