Peak clearblue digital ovulation/positive pregnancy test

So I wanted to share my recent experience with you as I think it’s helpful!

I have irregular periods and use one stop ovulation tests to try and establish when to start using the clearblue digital ones as they are more expensive, so technically I only use them for a few days and hopefully catch my peak.

This month I have been using the one stop tests as usual and yesterday I was on CD34 (this isn’t abnormal my cycles can be up to 80 days!). I decided to use a clearblue digital test randomly which said I was at my peak!!! I couldn’t believe it. It happened the same last month too and I thought, there is no way I can surely be catching my peak so randomly with no other ovulation symptoms.

I had previously read that ovulation tests can show positive when you are pregnant, so out of the blue I took a pregnancy test which was positive! I then took a further 2 digital pregnancy tests which were also positive!!!

Hopefully this is helpful for some of you!