This guy backed into me at a red light 🤦

Sam the T-zam

I need to vent. Who does this??? My poor car! I didn't think this needed to be said, but if you're at a stop light DO NOT BACK UP. This dude missed his turn and backed up into me in a attempt to get into the next lane. Apparently he didn't hear my horn and his bike rack crumpled my hood. No visible damage other than my hood and I was able to drive home. Obviously, it could have been so much worse, but I'm still upset. I just got furloughed from my job because of covid and this is my only vehicle. I'm glad he didn't run and he seemed nice enough, but I still can't wrap my head around this. The adjustor is likely to total my car because of age and miles, although it starts, runs and drives just fine, but a simple run for supplies and animal food turned into this headache.