Pregnancy acne

Sylvia • 24, 09/15/2018 💍💕, 💙 October 22, 2020 👶🏻💙 💙February 25, 2023👶🏻💙

I used to have really bad acne back in highschool, from ages 14 - 17. It calmed down a little before I turned 18 and has been basically non existent since then with occasional breakouts around periods but nothing else. Here I am now at 21, turning 22 this year, 10 weeks pregnant and my acne is nearly as bad as when I was 14. We're talking red faced, and bumps /everywhere/. It's just. Bad. I expected acne, but common, why'd my body have to do me dirty like this? 😂😂 Anyone else in the same boat? Any tips or tricks from other mommas about what you do (or have done) to manage yours? I've tried my usual cleansers and scrubs that I've had deemed safe by my doctor to use, and none of it is appearing to make a difference.