Precum and pregnancy

Hey guys, sorry dumb question. I’m frantically panic here. Long story short one thing led to another precum came in contact with my lady parts (no penetration). My paranoid ass was on the pill for endometriosis but wasn’t taking it regularly since it wasn’t for contraceptive purposes. This wasn’t planned. The day that this happened when I came home I didn’t take my pill because I wanted to get my period since I’ve been using it for a month to stop my period due to pain. I took levonelle the next morning (close to 24hrs later). I took it on Friday, it’s Monday now. No period in sight and I’m terrified. Yes I’m still a virgin and never have I ever done this before. Ps. I’m in my 20s. Idk anything about morning after pill and how long it delays your period. And how I should know if I’m not pregnant. I’m currently stranded due to the corona and can’t get pregnancy tests. This will literally ruin my life - I’ll be disowned in 2secs flat 😭