I tested positive and I am pregnant 😭😭😭😭😭😭 UPDATE

Symptoms : Coughing , sneezing , loss of taste and smell , smelling this Chlorine smell all day .

I have no fever , no shortness of breath , no headaches , no runny nose , no dizziness , and I understand everything that is going on around me .

I stay in Illinois for the people that are asking .

Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns .

I got a call from the hospital telling me that I tested positive for the Coronavirus. I went in Saturday because I’ve been smelling chlorine. No one else around me could smell it . I called my midwife and I let her know about the smell I’ve been smelling and that I’ve been coughing and sneezing as well . She told me to head to labor and delivery to get tested . When I got over there they didn’t want to test me because they said I wasn’t having severe symptoms. My fiancé asked if they could at least do vitals . After doing a nst , they decided to

test me . I stayed over night and they monitored me and the baby . I left the hospital yesterday afternoon . I’ve been in the house for months . I guess I caught it from my fiancé . He’s been coughing a lot , but he was coughing before this epidemic. All I was told to do is stay home for the next two weeks and don’t come in unless my symptoms worsen . I’ve been praying for myself and others almost everyday so I was so surprised to receive the call this morning . I am so sad you guys . I already was so sad that I can’t have a baby shower , now this happened to me 😭

Update :

I had my baby and the baby tested negative for the virus .