sexual assault or my fault

when i was fourteen, my brothers best friend (18) had started hitting on me. we were on spring break and were sharing a house in florida. it started out by him making jokes abt how he was going to fuck me and i’d just laugh them off, or he’d send me a random dick pic, then i sleep in a bra and underwear and he’d come in from a party while my brother was in the shower and pull the covers off of me and just to “talk” to like wake me up or whatever. then one night i got really depressed and he came and talked to me so i started to trust him, you know? but things just kept getting weirder, the last night we all decided to pull an all nighter and my brother passed out so he threw a blanket over me and started feeling up my thigh and touching parts of me, i froze and i didn’t know what to do. i couldn’t move or stop him. so on the way home he told me he wanted to “talk” to me like a relationship kinda way, and i said i didn’t want to, and he said “i understand but maybe you do” and then i went to bed, a few days later when we got home i was home sick and nobody else was home, so he just came in, pushed me against a wall and started making out with me and then he said “were talking now” & left and stuff like that happened a few more times but i refused to have sex with him, he told me i was worthless if i didn’t have sex and manipulated me into staying and doing things i didn’t want to do, he started telling everyone he was fucking me so eventually my brother found out and he basically disowned me told me it was entirely my fault.

was this my fault ?