Advice ?!?

Ashleigh • 💍Married👰 💙Mommy of a baby boy💙 💙Baby #2 Due November 💙

I have three things I would like advice on

1. Almost every time I nurse my son I notice I have a headache come on . I didn’t know this was a thing , anyone else experience this and how do I get it to stop ?

2. He spits up every time he eats and it worries me. Well today he pulled off and I realized my milk was literally shooting him in the face so I had to cover my nipple for a few seconds until it stopped. I do produce a lot and if he doesn’t nurse every hour or if I don’t pump a little every hour I get engorged. How can I make it easier on him ?

3. My appetite has basically disappeared I have to force myself to eat. Any advice to make it easier or to give me extra of what I need ?

* I have a bottle that’s 26 oz and I drink about 4 a day of water*

Two weeks postpartum 💙💙