Are we the assholes for this?


So my mother in law was going to get us some stuff from costco because the stores are bad here and we don't have a costco near by. When I agreed to this, I did not know my sister in law was back from florida. She went almost 2 weeks ago and I told her then it wasn't a good idea since it was a high risk area. She's been back for only 5 days. She was with my mother in law while at costco (she messaged what type of milk we get and that's how we knew). So we told his mom we were unaware that his step sister was there and weren't comfortable with it now. My mother in law always has her phone on speaker phone so my sister in law heard the whole thing and got super offended and somehow things escalated into a yelling match to where my husband called her a moron for going and negligent for risking her kids' lives by going despite it being so high risk (she brought her 3 kids with her). We have a 19 month old and my health is pretty shit (I get sick easily and it usually hits me hard). We aren't risking it. Now she's posting on facebook about how she isn't an idiot and wouldn't have come back if she was infected and I hate knowing she's going out and doing shit and possibly spreading contagion. Are we the assholes for declining once we learned she was with there? (My husband was definitely an asshole for calling her an idiot, but she didn't seem to care at all when he said he had a baby and didn't want to risk it)